The Wonders of God’s Name


Names in the Bible are important; they were often used as an indication of a person’s identification or his unique character. So it is with the names of God. When our Lord Jesus prayed for His disciples, He prayed that they might know the name of God.  Jn 17:6 – “I have manifested your name” Jn 17:26 – “I have declared to them your name”.

God’s names are an important source of knowledge of who God is. It gives a clue to His rich character and communicates a message we need to know. For example, the name of Jesus means “Saviour” for “He will save His people from their sins”.

It’s very encouraging to our souls to study the names and titles of God and see how He has revealed Himself to us in Scripture. Each name means something; each reveals an important aspect of his nature, his character, his attributes and His relationship with us.

Knowing the names of God will help us trust him every day of our life. Faith will increase in our souls and these names become the basis of confidence, and encouragement of faith in our minds.

My prayer is that our eyes will open to God’s glorious names, and our faith strengthens as it is written in Psalm 9:10 “Those who know your name put their trust in you”.

To know his name is to know him. So, let us get to know God through his names.

Read the full book, The Wonders of Gods Name (PDF file).

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